I got a late start on the outfit front today because I got a massage, sought advice for a dog who I recently found out has anxiety, and picked up this tiara at Claire's because this outfit demanded a tiara, damn it!
Anyway, Vampire Weekend is my new musical infatuation that I can not get over. Hence, the title and music.
Sorry about the excessive pictures. I got into it.
I got a new tattoo! Please excuse the tape marks and slightly irritated skin.
Skirt: Faith 21
Petticoat: Anthropologie
Bracelets: Starlet and vintage Arab charm bracelet
Rings: Boutique in Oakland, CA and Verameat
Necklaces: Garage sale and Forever 21
Tee: Every Little Counts
Shoes: Rosegold (Urban Outfitters)
Vampire Weekend-Horchata